The Iowa Lion: July/August 2021

Inside this issue of The Iowa Lion magazine:
- SAVE THE DATE for the Iowa Lions Fall Learning Conference (Pg 2)
- Spirits High at State Convention (Pg 4)
- Iowa Lions Foundation: A Year in Review (Pg 7)
- Invitation to Fort Dodge Noon Lions 100th Anniversary (Pg 19)
- Me and J (Part 1) (Pg 22)
- Leadership During Pandemic (Pg 23)
- Garden Helps Combat Diabetes (Pg 24)
- Grand Junction Lions Club Annual Show & Shine (Pg 25)
- Oskaloosa Lions Golf Shootout (Pg 26)
- More Photos from State Convention (Pg 27)
- Bondurant Lions Club Cow Pasture Golf (Pg 28)
- Invitation to Cedar Rapids Noon Lions 100th Anniversary (Pg 29)