The Iowa Lion: Dec. 2023/Jan. 2024

In this issue of The Iowa Lion magazine:
- Nominations Due Soon for Statewide Awards (Pg 1)
- Death of a Lions Leader: Terry Durham (Pg 3)
- Plea for Additional Funding for Iowa Lions Eye Bank and KidSight (Pg 5)
- Leighton Lions Help Maui Fire Victims (Pg 5)
- Photos from 2023 Iowa Lions Fall Learning Conference (Pgs 6-7)
- District 9MC Convention Registration Form (Pg 11)
- Photos from 9NE District Convention (Pg 22)
- Photos from 9EC Fall Rally (Pg 23)
- Lori Short Leaves Iowa KidSight (Pg 24)
- Flyer: Fort Dodge Evening Lions “An Evening with Santa” (Pg 25)