The Iowa Lion: July/August 2023

In this issue:
- 2023-2024 Council of Governors (Pg 1)
- Past District Governors Association: An Underutilized Organization? (Pg 3)
- New State Chaplain Posts Memorial Service for Local Lions Members (Pg 4)
- Seminars Set for Fall Learning Conference (Pg 6)
- Parkersburg Lions Partner with Clover Kids on Recycling Project (Pg 8)
- District 9MC Fall Rally Registration Form (Pg 21)
- The Only Constant in Diabetes is Change (Pg 22)
- Simple vs Complex Carbohydrates (Pg 23)
- LCIF Funds Support Local Food Pantry (Pg 24)
- Oskaloosa Lions Golf Shootout (Pg 27)
- Grinnell Lions Ag Appreciation Day (Pg 28)
- Bondurant Lions Cow Pasture Golf Sponsorship (Pg 29)